Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Programme Planning for 2016

Plans are underway for Computers in Homes in Southland in 2016.
We are looking at delivering programmes at New River Primary in Invercargill , Aparima in Riverton as well as others ...

Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you would like to know more about this fabulous programme!

Second Group graduate at Newfield

Six more families trotted home with their computers last Friday after completing their 20 hours of training at Newfield School.  Under the superb tutoring from Nathan Iveson these families are now hooking up to 2degrees to get Internet into their homes.  Many thanks and congratulations to you all for your dedication to the programme.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Fabulous Graduation at Newfield School

What a Fabulous Friday Afternoon Celebration!
10 families graduated from Newfield School under the watchful eye of Nathan Ineson.  They were a fantastic group of learners who were keen to learn!  Some even learnt how to make balls using tutorials on You tube.  Principal Sonya Creedy spoke very positively of the programme and the wonderful stories that had been shared during the trainings.
Many smiling little faces left with their Mums to go home and set up their computers!

Thursday, 21 May 2015

New schools keen to be part of the programme ...

Computers in Homes Co-ordinators Kate McRae and Janine Walker have been having conversations with Otautau and several Invercargill schools.
  • Newfield Park School
  • Ascot Park Community School
  • Middle School
  • Bluff School
  • St Teresa's School, Bluff 
are all interested in being part of the Computers In Homes programme.
If you are part of one of these schools please contact the office for more information.
Otautau School are also planning a programme .. Mr Bell would love to hear from anyone interested in the programme. 

Graduations at Gore Marae and Winton

Computers in Homes training has now finished at the Gore Marae and in Winton.
Whanau worked hard during their 20 hours of training to complete their courses and are now proud owners of computers in their homes.  It is great to be part of providing this resource for our children's learning.
Some of the graduates and their children at the Gore Marae with Tau Kapea and Kendall Harrington.

One of our Winton Graduates and tutor Sandra Dunn at the Winton Graduation.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

2015 Computers In Homes action in the South

As the new year started so did the Computers in Homes programmes in Southland.
It is great to finally have training up and going in the Te Whanau o Hokonui Marae in Gore with great support from Tau.
A Cluster has been formed to accommodate families from Lumsden and Winton Schools.  This training has started in Winton. 
First training in Winton with tutor Sandra Dunn