Monday, 3 November 2014

Bill English meets one of our Tutors

During the official opening of our REAP House in Gore Hon Bill English met one of our Computers in Homes tutors and technicians.  He was delighted to hear the programme has started well in the South and went back to Wellington with our Annual Report to read.

Kate also had the opportunity to speak with Todd Barclay MP for Clutha Southland about the Computers In Homes programme that is happening in his patch of the woods. 

Computers In Homes Graduation In Central Southland

In conjuction with the Winton and Districts Community Worker and our local schools we clustered a group of whanau together to train at Southern REAP in Winton.  Due to some of our students having preschool children we also ran a creche next door so that the Mums could train and the children could play!
Eight students graduated at the end of October and it was great to have all the whanau join us after school for this celebration. 
Congratulations to everyone who recieved a certificate and good luck with your continued learning.

Another series of Training at Takitimu Primary School

Following on from a very successful series of Computers in Homes trainings a further group of whanau have now completed their 20 hours training.  This group worked really hard with our tutor Debbie, and they were so excited to finally recieve their certificates.  One special lady who has full care of her grandchild said it has opened up a whole new world.
Congraulations to you all!

Monday, 25 August 2014

Graduation a Huge Celebration for Takitimu School

16 graduates joined with their whanau to celebrate the completion of their training for Computers In Homes on Monday 25th August.  It was a fabulous celebration of their commitment to the programme and upskilling to help with tamariki. 
Principal, Lindsay King, was thrilled with the night and pleased to see so much support for the students.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Training nearly completed in Nightcaps

Some days it snowed .. some days it hailed .. but our dedicated two groups of 16 whanau have trudged through to be nearly completed their training for Computers In Homes. 
Under the great guidance of Debbie, we are planning to graduate the Takitimu School whanau on Monday 25th August - what a celebration there will be in Nightcaps!!

Computers In Homes has been all go in the South

Wow - our first six months has been a full on time in the South.  We have graduated two groups from Gore with much pride and emotion from our whanau.  It has been great to see the development of our learners, starting with not knowing how to use a mouse through to emailing us when they were online.
We were very fortunate to have Tim Findlay from Remarkit attend a recent graduation - thanks Tim for joining us for a special celebration.  We have worked closely with Vanessa who works as a whanau support working in Gore and Mataura.  She has worked hard to support the families in their learning.
Our wonderful tutor, Kendall Harrington continues to get endless accolades for his superb training and patience.  A programme is only as good as the tutor - so Kai pai to Kendall for his committment to the programme.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Graduation in Mataura

A great celebration was held at Mataura School on 26th May with eight students graduating.  Local Councilor and Deputy Mayor, Cliff Bolger congratulated  the families on their achievement completing the 20 hours training.  It was great to have whanau and friends together to celebrate the great achievements of the group. 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Computers in Homes making a difference...

Recently I received an amazing story from one of our techies ...

I left a house today after connecting the internet ... when I left and walked down the path, I could hear the mother yell, “Wooop Wooop” and the 2 boys shouting “Yeaaaa” and what sounded like a celebration dance. I climbed into the car with a smile.

  How wonderful to be part of a programme making such a difference to
                                      people's lives.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Graduation Planned for Mataura

Families from Mataura School are planning to graduate at 5.30pm on Monday 26th May - great excitement for the eight families involved in the programme!

Monday, 28 April 2014

Te Wharekura o Arowhenua Graduation

A Huge congratulations to the 13 families who graduated on 14th April.
It was a great celebration of all the hard work that has been done over the past five weeks.
Special guests - Di Daniels and Rino Tirikatene congratulated the students on their achievements and wished them well in their future learning.
Congratulations to Renee Walker who was awarded a Web cam for all her hard work for both herself and other students in the class.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Meeting with Bill English

On Friday 11th April Kate, Janine and Dawn met with Bill English to talk about Computers in Homes.  We were delighted to be able to share the introduction of the Computers in Homes into Southland and the tremendous impact this will have on our families.  We were able to share the story of Computers in Homes on a national front and the importance of support from Government to ensure this continues.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Training has begun at Te Wharekura o Arowhenua

Training has started at Te Wharekura o Arowhenua in Invercargill.
Under the superb guidance of Mark (our Computers In Homes tutor) 11 families have begun training.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Southland Computers in Homes Coordinators 

full on Training... 

            NCCG Hui in Wairarapa

                 Training in Wellington

Initial Meetings have been held ...

During December Kate and Janine hosted Di Daniels the National Co-Coordinator in the South and we visited several schools to talk about the Computers In Homes Programme.

                         The Mataura School Mural

                         Te Wharekura o Arowhenua

Computers In Homes is coming to Southland!

Exciting News!

Computers In Homes is now in the Deep South!
Kate McRae and Janine Walker from Southern REAP are thrilled to bringing this fabulous programme to Southland.